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As Australia grapples with increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, its leading banking institutions are rushing to fortify their defences and establish collaborations with governmental bodies.
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Mark De Boer
August 9, 2023

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As Australia grapples with increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, its leading banking institutions are rushing to fortify their defences and establish collaborations with governmental bodies.

Throughout the year, major Australian corporations, especially banking leaders like Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, and Bendigo Bank, have been actively enhancing their security protocols and partnering with governmental bodies. Their public outreach campaigns suggest a fortified approach, but underlying concerns remain. Beyond their public relations efforts, are these institutions genuinely integrating cybersecurity into their core boardroom strategies? And is their response sufficient to meet the ambitious change towards corporate governance and create a formidable front against cyber adversaries?

Meanwhile, regulatory powerhouses such as the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) have heightened their supervisory roles. However, questions still arise regarding their capacity to enforce meaningful change in this dynamic cyber terrain. Beyond fortifying the financial institutions themselves, the broader challenge lies in ensuring comprehensive protection for Australian businesses and ordinary citizens from escalating cyber threats.

Westpac: Pioneering Protective Measures

Early in March 2023, Westpac unfurled the banner of "Westpac launches new anti-scam security." This initiative, named Westpac Verify, was designed to safeguard customers against fraudulent transactions. 

Westpac Chief Executive of Consumer & Business Banking, Chris de Bruin, says: “the new measure has been introduced as scams continue to grow at an unprecedented rate.”

Source: Westpac. Westpac Chief Executive of Consumer & Business Banking, Chris de Bruin

By leveraging advanced algorithms and real-time data analytics, the system identifies potential mismatches in transaction details, immediately alerting customers about discrepancies.

“Westpac will now pause some payments and give customers an opportunity to check if the recipient details are correct before proceeding with a transaction, adding another layer in the net to catch potential scams”. Mr. de Bruin.

Furthermore, Westpac has initiated a comprehensive public awareness campaign throughout 2023 to ensure customers are well-informed about emerging threats and best practices. This public relations campaign underscores Westpac's commitment to not just introducing technological solutions, but also empowering its customers through knowledge.

Commonwealth Bank: Collective Might Against Cyber Threats

In a similar vein, the Commonwealth Bank has championed collective action against cyber threats. The unveiling of the National Anti-Scam Centre marked a significant stride in this direction. This hub seeks to unify the efforts of banks, telecommunications, digital platforms, and government agencies.

Source: CBA Newsroom

James Roberts, General Manager of Group Fraud at the Commonwealth Bank, highlighted the bank’s proactive role: “Our collaboration with ASIC, the ACCC, and other key players from the NASC's inaugural ‘fusion cell’ aims at targeting the behemoth of investment scams, the leading scam by financial magnitude.”

Bendigo Bank: Proactive Alerts and Stronger Defences

Bendigo Bank has risen to the cyber challenge by updating its clientele with timely scam alerts. The latest in this series being the sophisticated Email Deception of July 2023 and the Cold-Call Cons of June 2023. Jason Gordon, the bank’s head of fraud, succinctly encapsulated their strategy, "Our multi-dimensional approach—ranging from blocking dubious cryptocurrency transactions to embedding advanced authentication systems—underscores our commitment to customer safety."

ACMA & APRA: Vigilant Regulatory Oversight

While individual banks have been hardening their cyber fortresses, regulatory bodies ACMA and APRA have been diligently playing their part in overseeing and ensuring industry-wide compliance.

ACMA has charted a robust action plan for 2023-2024, placing a particular emphasis on eradicating phone-based scams. Their intensified efforts encompass allocating additional resources for investigation, enhancing corporate enforcement mechanisms, and closely monitoring compliance alerts. 

Their relentless drive was reflected in the hefty penalties issued in the first half of 2023. ACMA imposed a $3.55 million dollar penalty to the Commonwealth Bank Australia and mycar Tyre & Auto paid a $1 million penalty for non-compliance with spam rules.

On the other hand, APRA, Australia's vigilant prudential supervisor, has been steadfast in its mission to stabilise the nation's financial framework though Prudential Standard CPS 234 Information Security  . In July 2023, APRA released a detailed tripartite assessment, shedding light on the pressing cyber threats facing Australia's financial infrastructure. The APRA study underscored the critical need to enhance cyber resilience across financial services. Their commitment to strengthening cyber defence is evident in their 2020–2024 Cyber Security Strategy and the extensive CPS 234 assessments.

Source: APRA November 2021. APRA’s pilot independent CPS 234 tripartite assessment (CPS 234 assessment) involved a small sample of banking, insurance and superannuation entities undergoing an independent assessment against the requirements of CPS 234.

Can Australia's Financial Fortresses Rally to Safeguard a Nation?

The digital epoch, with its allure of unmatched progress and boundless innovation, also bears a sinister underbelly — an emergent wave of intricate and persistent cyber perils. As these unseen enemies refine their tactics and amplify their assault, it prompts urgent introspection: Are Australia's richest banks, such as Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, and Bendigo Bank, truly attaining the gold standard in cyber resilience seen globally? Furthermore, are the regulatory champions like the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) adequately equipped, both in intent and arsenal, to effectively regulate, usher in radical change, and hold the echelons of corporate power to task? 

The ongoing saga isn't merely about erecting walls but ensuring an unyielding allegiance to preserving a secure financial destiny for every Australian.

As Australia grapples with increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, its leading banking institutions are rushing to fortify their defences and establish collaborations with governmental bodies.

Throughout the year, major Australian corporations, especially banking leaders like Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, and Bendigo Bank, have been actively enhancing their security protocols and partnering with governmental bodies. Their public outreach campaigns suggest a fortified approach, but underlying concerns remain. Beyond their public relations efforts, are these institutions genuinely integrating cybersecurity into their core boardroom strategies? And is their response sufficient to meet the ambitious change towards corporate governance and create a formidable front against cyber adversaries?

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