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Deep-learning deciphers your typing with 95% accuracy, UK data breaches, North Korea allegedly hacks missiles & more.
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Thomas Ricardo - Cyber Analyst Reporter
August 14, 2023

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This Week in Security News:

A deep-learning algorithm can decipher what you're typing with 95% precision. Additionally, the UK grapples with significant data breaches, North Korea allegedly hacks a Russian missile producer, and Microsoft faces dilemmas regarding its Chinese Outlook breach.

Cybersecurity “Made in Germany”: ONEKEY at Black Hat and DEF CON - ONEKEY

At the annual Black Hat and Defcon security conferences in Las Vegas on the 11th of August, the cybersecurity world has been abuzz with groundbreaking discoveries.

  • A researcher questions the official narrative regarding radiation spikes recorded post-Russia's 2022 Ukraine invasion. If validated, these findings might alter our understanding of nuclear monitoring and geopolitics.
  • Intel discloses a flaw, named Downfall, found in numerous chip generations. They've released patches for affected chips.
  • In Boston, teens have hacked the city’s subway card system, a feat reminiscent of a 2008 MIT hack. Authorities are collaborating with them to implement a secure system.
  • Researchers from IOActive have found a way to manipulate the Deckmate 2 card-shuffling machine, allowing them to predict every card in a deck.
  • Security firm GoSecure employs honeypots to monitor and capture hackers' activities in real time. Panasonic adopts a similar approach for its IoT devices.
  • A leak from global tech company Yandex has provided a glimpse into online advertising's intricate processes.
  • Microsoft, focusing on AI, has a specialised team since 2018 that looks for vulnerabilities in AI tools to improve them.
  • Beyond conference highlights, the article touches upon HIPPA's data privacy provisions and how to use Google's tool for personal data removal.

Other Noteworthy Reports:

  • Keyboard Vulnerabilities: Researchers have developed an algorithm that detects what you're typing through the sounds of the keystrokes, achieving an alarming 95% accuracy.
  • UK Data Breaches: The UK's Electoral Commission reports a cyberattack potentially compromising 40 million voters' data. A delay in public disclosure has been criticised. In a separate incident, the names and roles of 10,000 Police Service of Northern Ireland officers were accidentally published online.
  • Lazarus Group Activities: North Korea's Lazarus Group allegedly hacked Russian missile producer, NPO Mashinostroyeniya, potentially linking it to North Korea’s missile program upgrades.
  • Microsoft's Chinese Outlook Breach: After revelations that Chinese hackers accessed tokens for Outlook email accounts, US senator Ron Wyden seeks multiple federal investigations into Microsoft's cybersecurity practices.
  • Stay vigilant and keep abreast of weekly updates to ensure online safety.

This Week in Security News:

A deep-learning algorithm can decipher what you're typing with 95% precision. Additionally, the UK grapples with significant data breaches, North Korea allegedly hacks a Russian missile producer, and Microsoft faces dilemmas regarding its Chinese Outlook breach.

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